Friday, 25 November 2011

Here is our final clip of the continuity project.
Hope you like it!
More information coming soon.

Monday, 21 November 2011


This is a fantastic website that Amir has told me and it has lots of information that could help you to make things that we help you with the films that we produce.

For example the website will tell you information on how to make things like... a sugar bottle which is very effective as it looks real and works in a very effective way. it will give you information about the way in  which you make it and the cheapest price you can make it for and the things you will need to make certain things.

Amazing Website for information and how to do certain things.

Thanks Amir :)


This link will take you to Katy's blog and it will have the picture of the Stedicam and a brief description of how it was made and the way it works, this idea was amazing and we are very thankful to Katy and her Dad for helping her make the Stedicam.... Thanks :)

We Have a Steady Cam

Katy has went home and make a steady cam that is amazing this will help to ensure that it is steady and that the camera is steady it has a pivot that ensures that the camera is safe. I will add a link from Katy's profile as soon as possible that has a picture so you can see the steady cam that she has made.

Hope you like it.

We had a proplem but its all good now!

Reece had make a slight problem but we can work around it and it will be fine now, basically it seems that we have not got all the shots that Reece's lines were on from the scrip. This is frustrating because the lines missed are the most important lines in the whole dialogue as it is where most of the problem in the meeting starts to go wrong. Thankfully we still have our Action Match shot which is good. However for some reason the shots that are missing I was certain that we shot however I have to digress. one thing that is very good is that we can work our way around this and it will be solved as soon as possible.


We have nearly finished editing all we need to do now is make sure that everything is in order and that we have everything. All we need to do with the editing now is make sure that we get a No.. clip that we will add onto the end of the film to finish this off for the finishing of the film.... this will be up loaded as soon as possible and when its uploaded, hope you will like it.

Continuity Clips

In the last few lessons we have been editing the clips to make it into our final film, the film is nearly finished and will not take much more time until this is done. I will up load it as soon as possible :)

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Continuity Task

In the past few lessons we have been making the clips that will form the final task and film that we are going to edit and produce. Yesterdays lesson and today's lesson we have been editing some of the clips and making them fit into the final film we have had some problems along the way such as an important line has gone missing or has forgot to be filmed. However we have a way around it and we are going to get the camera today and film the extra part to implement into the film.

One lesson last week Me, Reece and Katie went out with Amir and helped him to film a part of his task this was very interesting working with someone else to see how this person works and what he produces which is amazing after seeing the final clip that he has edited. Reece took the main part in the helping of Amir whilst Me and Katie were helping with the script what would sound better etc and the filming of the clips.
Amir was very pleased with the filming and the clips that we have filmed this is good news to here as if he needs help in the future he can some and ask for help at ant time and will see what we can do to help.

Where we are so far:

In the lessons and some extra time we have been trying to find out new ways in which we can alter the film from the slight problem that we have had this is now thought of and the idea will be implemented into the final film. We are half way thought the editing at this stage but we are going to have to take a few steps back due to the slight issue once this has been filmed and implemented we hope to get back onto track as soon as possible to get the final piece finished on time and to a good high quality standard.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Looking at the Clips

In todays lesson Me and Reece have been looking through the clips to decide which clips we think are good and which once are not so good the reason for this would be so that we can use the best possible clips when it comes to editing th Clips to make the final piece.

The Filming

Yesterday in the lesson we found a location in the school grounds this was in an office in the LRC  this was a perfect location to shoot the film as the idea behind the film was for it to be a job interview that had a funny side for comedy. The shots that Katie done should follow the guidance and should work correctly. I the person that was getting interviewed by the head of the company Reece the Employer. At the beginning the Interview came across to be quite formal as I entered an office with computer etc  when the interview was commencing there was some random questions being asked which was on star wars this was the comedy side as I did not know the relevance of the questions, in fact they were not relevant at all the Employer Reece just wanted an opinion as he was a big fan. I was asked a question that Reece did not like at this point I was asked to leave the office as its not the answer he was looking for just after he said this me immediately said well done and thanks for coming and shook my hand.

This was the seriousness of the Job interview crossed with a funny side of the comedy side with the funny questions.

When the film has been put onto the computer and edited to make sense I will up load it as soon as possible to show you what we have achieved and I hope you enjoy it
Please leave any comments of the good/ bad point so we can learn and improve thanks. :)

Friday, 4 November 2011

Here you can see that we have 2 possible script ideas the script that we are going to act out we think will be the second script the reason for this being that we think it is more entertaining for the comedy side but also the employer is also very serious. This creates the effect the we are looking for in terms of something funny but the employer is not trying to be. This is a script that does not involve a lot of shouting which in my opinion shows that it is more serious and the employer and the employee does not know what is going wrong he thinks that it may be a question that is relevant however the employer is trying to keep the anger in as its something he did not really want to here. 'Whatever the Employer says goes!' And what he thinks is correct has to be correct.... your not allowed an opinion it has to be what the employer says.  

The Beginning

In the lesson today we are going to re draft the script and design the story board for the film at we will follow. We are making the script that we will put on the blogs asap for you so you can see the basic idea of what we are going to do. The idea of what we are doing is a very serious beginning of a job interview that turns into a comedy the simple reason we are doing this is so that it shows that it can be fun and entertaining when filming.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

New Task!

In the lesson, we have been given a new task where we have to come and think of an idea in our groups. we need to try and make a story bored for our idea showing what we are going to do and then we need to make a script... the film that we are going to has has to include some continues feature these include and Action Match, Shot/ reverse shot and an 180 degree rule.

The scenario:
A character;
Open a door (Action Match)
Crosses a room (180 degrees)
sits on a chair facing another character
exchanges dialogue (shot/ reverse shot)