The problems that have accrued have been the areas in which we filmed the Prisoner video, However we are happy with the final location especially the interrogation scene . we also had a slight problem with the formatting of both scenes as one had rendered in a different format but our teacher Mr Earl had managed to help us with that issue and fix the problem and now the video is here and is ready to watch!
The parts that we have enjoyed the most, For me the best part of the video would be the whole idea of having to come up with possible areas and filming the video and ensuing that the clips where a success. the scene landscape we all really enjoyed trying to think of possible ways we could implement to the clips to make them look better. This was filmed in the School grounds, in some areas you can not tell this, However some areas you can see it was in or around the school. The scene was also films in the school but does not look as school like as we where in a very dark area which made the video look even more effective as the connotations of the dark area would be that it may symbolise death and danger for the up coming part where there was a gun shot.
The Editing of the film was also a favorite part of the making as we all feel as thought we have all had a good part and we all put our points across to show that we are dedicated and care about the work that we have done. There was a few little debates of certain areas to make the film and in the editing of what clips to use overall we made a decision and know the film is complete and has been finalised on the blogs we are all happy with the outcome of the finished piece. In the editing it also helped that we made lots of clips of the same area to ensure that we had plenty of cut aways and Master shots so that when it came to the editing we could make some amendments to the piece. The music that we have added to the film is also very effective as it make the film look more spooky and scary this created as dramatic atmosphere to the person that is watching the film, keeping them interested in what is happening and more to the point what is about to happen.
The overall film is about a lonely but happy person that is out sitting beside a tree one day and suddenly someone comes over and starts being very violent towards Number 2 which is me, as well as the violence in the looks Number 6 was also physically violent as further on in the clips the Number 6 grabs Number 2 by the neck and drags Number 2 into a very dark room firstly braking into the room with his foot.... it then moves onto the interrogation scene where both number 2 and 6 were sitting and having a conversation about wanting to know information that number 2 will not tell.... again Number 6 starts to get violent and shouting whilst Number 2 is staying calm suddenly Number 6 stands up moves around the table and drags the Number 2 onto the floor and starts punching him until Number 2 shouts out and then Number 6 walks off laughing. It then fades to a black screen and there is a gun shot and this keeps the audience wondering if Number 2 shot 6 or if Number 6 shot Number 2.
Hope you enjoy watching the film that we have produced we have all enjoyed making it and are looking forward to making more in the future.
Thanks :)
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