Thursday, 15 December 2011

Catch me if you Can

Here I am going to Analyse the opening of 'catch me if you can'

From the opening of the film, you can see that the beginning looks like the film is going to be animated, with the blue background which the characters that are animated with black. From the very beginning it looks at though its sent in an airport where you see the captain and then the cabin crew that walks out, they are wearing a hat this would suggest that they are more upper class and working class. The use of the planes in the background again suggests an airport, they are in white to suggest pure, this also links with the opening titles that are black as it helps to stand out and draws your attention to them when the film starts from the blue background.

When the camera and the shots move from one to another you can then see that there is a large image of a captain of a plain sitting on a chair this is a very large image and it again shows the power over everyone else as the captain is more important.

You can then see a number of very quick shots that are very effective as it catches the eye of the audience that are watching, throughout the whole clip is focusing on this captain that they stand out from the rest of the people passing which are the cabin crew and the people waiting to board the flight. 

You then see some writing that says 'Catch ME if you can' the reason i have put me in capital letters is 
because on the clip its in white that slowly fads and blows away this looks as though its a cloud, which suggest its in the sky, just like when a plane is flying.  you then see a plane pass by which may have the person that they are wanting to catch.

As the plane is passing you can see that the picture changes from the airport to a road this shows that the plane is passing and that its now over the road. 

It then shows a holiday destination to show that some time has passed and that the person they may have been trying to catch, linking with the title may now be somewhere that he will never get found.

The use of the different colours shows different connotations, as green would represent, happy, sunny and loving. The colour blue will show pureness, love and happiness. The red and orange, would show danger, heat and powerful. 

Throughout the clip it shows to me that someone is trying to get away from someone or something and he is having to pass through lots of different places in order for people not be to able to find him such as police, it looks as though he is being followed as he goes on a plane to a destination, through a working area with the computers, it shows that a long time has passed. 

1 comment:

  1. I think some screengrabs would really help here. How as this particular opening influenced your thinking? Are you tempted to recreate the kind of mood? What about the use of music - is this something you might consider?
