Audience - here i will write a blog on the audience that we as a group have decided will best suit our genera. this will include the age of the people that are more likely to suit the film, i will also say weather the audience is more likely to be male or female or both this will be completed very soon. After today's lesson once we have decided on the final Genera and what it may include.
Representation- He we will have different representations that will be in our final film. If the place we choose is in a dark and lonely area this would represent that the film may be based on a horror or something that will include fighting and mysterious problems that may occur... this again will have a bolg post once we have discussed the areas that we may film and how we want the film to look.
Institutions- We have a opening that we include on our opening of the films that we have done so far this is the dynamite Kitty Studios.... we are going to make this look more serious to make it more effective this will be posted onto the bolg as soon as this has been implemented.
We also need to devise a schedule for over the next few weeks that we are researching about possible ideas.... during the lessons I will aim to have researched about the above, what audiences suit our genre and what similar films audiences are. this will help the group to decide who we need to aim this at and how we could make it effective.
I am also going to look at the representations, such as the lighting and what this creates for the audience, i will look at the use of clothing and how this would effect the final out come etc. We could devise a questionnaire that we could ask people to fill in once we have decided on our audience. By having a questionnaire it would help us decide about the possible representation as we could be asking what they feel having dark lighting would create for them as the audience etc.
Over the Weekend Me, Reece and Katie are going to discuss more about the films that we have been talking about in the lesson today. We are now going to decide on the final genera on Monday the likley hood is that we are going to do something based around a drama such as a horror or something involving Crime.
The films and Tv shows that we have been discussing are, Sherlock and Nighmare on elms street, the remake. this shows lots of effective shots and editing throughout. It also will help us decide on the place that we are going to do it etc.
I will be posting a blog over the weekend discussing more about possible ideas
It would be useful to produce a schedule/ timetable in order to set yourself goals/ targets. Otherwise you may end up with a lot to do and little time to do it...