In this Analysis I am going to talk about the different use of, Camera, Mise-en-scene, sound and Editing.
The film that I will analyse is Snatch the opening sequence.
03-08 seconds
In this time you can see that the beginning is in black and white which shows that its old style and that the film may be old fashioned, and the things that are going to happen further on in the film will be violent and disruptive as that is a representation of what it was like back in the old days, when the tv was in back and white. You can also see that some 'Jews' are walking through the door which as a CCTV camera that look as tho its following there every move this again suggest that they are bad people and need to be watched all the time, they again are in black and white and are wearing, a long black coat and hat this is the typical representation of 'Jews'
09-33 seconds
Here you can see that they have stopped one of the men from passing and have stopped him to search him this again suggests that they are nasty people and that they will have something dangerous on them, the man is again in the long black coat and the people that have stopped him are in a white shirt and tie, this suggests that they are much more important as they look more working class as they have a tie on.
33-34 seconds
Here you can see that every move is being watched again by CCTV cameras and when you are watching you are seeing it from the tv screen that someone will be watching, another way that you can tell they are being watched by a CCTV camera is that your looking at a point of view shot that mover from one tv screen to another to show that they are now getting watched through a different CCTV camera.
38- 56 seconds
Here you can see the men waiting to go into the lift, they sort of use an action match shot to show this a the man moves into the lift and the camera again moves tv screen again to show that they are being followed, as they are waiting for the lift they are talking to each other. Nothing much happens in this shot.
56 seconds to 1 min 30
Here you can see that they are in the lift and they are looking at what level floor they are moving to, again they are talking to each other, they are all still wearing back and they look as though they need to talk to someone, they look calm but also as thought they know what they are doing,
1min30 -1min 33
Here you can see that again the camera is following them, through the clip so far the camera has been moving left to the different tv screens, in this shot the camera moves up to a tv screen, this has made an effective shot on the audience as it shows that they may have been in the lift and moved up floors and the camera shows this as the camera moves up.
1min 34- 1 min 38
Here you can see that they have came out of the lift and they are walking to the right hand side, all this time the CCTV cameras are looking at them and they don't know about this they are still in black and white, the camera is a low angle of the 'Jewish' men this may suggest that they are not as powerful and that they are over ruled.
1min 89- 1min 43
Here you can see that the camera again is moving to the right has side this time and they are still being followed, at this point they are being looked at from a long shot in the corridor and they are walking closer to a mid shot and then a close up.
1min 44 - 1min 56
Here you can see that the camera pans to the next CCTV screen and they are still be followed from all aspects, they never come out of the camera view.
1min 57- 2min 16
Here you can see that they are walking again to another lift they then press the button it looks as though they will be going ever higher in the floors.
The titles
Throughout the opening you can see that it is always bring up the titles of the Director, the editor, the actors etc, The titles are in a very plain text and a very easy to read and suit the opening at they are in back and white, you can see that the titles have a black box around them that then has the plain text inside which is like a grey colour.
This will help us when we are making our opening as we should be able to look back to see how effective the opening of professional films are and to see how we can make our titles look effective with the editing software that we have to offer. In the films that I have analysed so far and the films that Reece and Katie have analysed we have noticed that all the titles suit the films that they have created perfectly, such as this film Snatch, the opening is in back and white and so are the titles, another example would be that if you were making a horror and there was lots of blood and violence based in the opening you would expect to see lots of violent, spooky, red writing for the blood as the titles as it would suit the opening sequence of the film that you have created.
If we ensure that everything that we are going to do link perfectly with the Genra that we are doing which is Crime, the film at the end once we have edited it, should look good and fit with the film that we had made, the reason for this again is so that the audience are always getting reminded of what is happening and what the film is about,